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Copyright 2024 - ASA, Ismar-CNR Venezia

The Archive of Adriatic Studies (Archivio di Studi Adriatici, ASA) is a portal for the open access repository of books, papers, documents and scientific collections (historical and modern) of the Institute of Marine Sciences ISMAR-CNR of Venice.

Algarium Veneticum

Algarium Veneticum is an algal herbarium based on the collection assembled between 1941 and 1950 by Michelangelo Minio, Nicolò Spada and Giacomo Zolezzi, and currently enriched by new sampling for the study and monitoring of marine biodiversity and the transitional environments.

Biblioteca storica di Studi Adriatici

The Historical Library of Adriatic Studies (Bibioteca storica di Studi Adriatici, BSA) includes the library collections of the Istituto di Studi Adriatici, Comitato Talassografico Italiano, Osservatorio della Pesca Marittima, Istituto per lo Studio della Dinamica delle Grandi Masse merged into ISMAR Venice in 2002. BSA contains humanities and Scientific texts about Venice, the Adriatic Sea, the Balkans and about the sea in general, from Renaissance to the 2000s.

Historical Cartotheque

The Historical Cartotheque of Adriatic Studies (Cartoteca di Studi Adriatici, CSA) is the BSA section made from ancient maps and pilot books of the Istituto di Studi Adriatici and maps produced by ISA and the other former Institutes from 1910 to date, viewable and downloadable in high resolution and connected for geolocation and  georeferenced maps to the geoportal BSA CiGNo.

Marine Invertebrates

The collection of marine invertebrates includes benthic organisms sampled during the research projects about the biodiversity and the subsidence of the Venice Lagoon, from 1970 to date. The collection includes also samples from geographic areas outside the Mediterranean Sea.

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